If you are concern about your crooked teeth every time you smile, you can take advantage of Invisalign/Clear correct, This orthodontic treatment utilizes series of clear plastic aligners that snap on your teeth and slowly move your teeth to align them and enhance the look of your smile. If you’re willing to enhance your appearance and smile, there are lots of reasons for you to think about Invisalign/Clear correct.
If you are uncomfortable by having spaced, crooked and misplaced teeth, there are different kinds of treatment options available. Most problems can be fixed at young age, by having some Myo-functional appliances. Some adults may require having their Maligned teeth fix. We here at Northpoint Dental have different choices for teeth straightening services in Toowoomba. Our patients have two options in regards to having their teeth straightened: Invisalign/Clear Correct, Myobrace. There are many advantages of preferring Clear correct. Some of those advantages include:
If your teeth are slightly crooked, you may be an ideal candidate for Invisalign. Invisalign can fix extensively gapped teeth, open bites, underbites, overbites, crossbites, and malocclusions. These conditions if untreated can result in gum irritation and swelling also food accumulation and plaque buildup, possibly resulting in gum disease and tooth decay. Many patients get great outcomes in short time and their is less inconvenience less pain.
The Invisalign aligner trays are virtually invisible. It snugly snaps on your teeth, being clear no one can notice.
Being removable, Invisalign/Clear correct aligners can give you the comfort which is hard to beat. While eating, you can take them out so that you can enjoy eating your favorite food without worrying about cleaning around the metal braces. Your oral hygiene routine will not be changed as they can be brought out. Moreover, Invisalign offers you with special convenience Prepared from smooth, plastic material tailor made for your bite; the aligners slowly move your teeth into location without causing too much annoyance.
How Can I Get Invisalign?
Initially, you will require a consultation with the dentist to discuss with your dentist. If your dentist feels that Invisalign is appropriate for you, they will take digital impressions of your teeth. This is simple and impressive technology that avoids the requirement of the tray-style impression system that uses putty. Your digital impression gives computerized evidence of before and after positioning of your teeth. Then the digital impressions are dispatch to the Invisalign lab to make your custom clear aligners.
How Do I Use Invisalign?
After you obtain aligners, you can wear them all day but not when you are eating or cleaning your teeth. Wear them while you sleep, as they lose their efficacy if you wear them below 22 hours per day. A revised aligner will be required every 2/3 weeks to coordinate with the new positioning of your teeth during the straightening process.
Invisalign/Clear Aligner at Northpoint Dental Toowoomba
If you would like to check if you’re an ideal candidate for Invisalign, please call at (07) 46383384 or request an appointment now. We welcome you to our Toowoomba clinic and look forward to helping you with all your dental care needs.